I use fossils to answer questions about the ecological and evolutionary history of life on Earth. This website includes information on my research, CV, publication reprints, teaching, and our campus digital imaging, morphometrics, & photomacrography lab (DIMPL).
Contact information
Department of Biological Sciences
Benedictine University
5700 College Road
Lisle, IL 60532
Email: pnovack-gottshall_at_ben.edu
Phone: (630) 829-6514
Fax: (630) 829-6547
Office: Birck Hall 332
Lab: Birck Hall 107
Ph.D., Biology, Duke University, 2004
M.S., Geology, University of Cincinnati, 1999
B.S., Biology & Music, Moravian College, 1996
Homepage — Research — Teaching — About me
DIMPL: Digital Imaging, Morphometrics & Photomacrography Lab
Biological Sciences Department and College of Science
Biological Sciences and College of Science faculty
Last updated September 2018